Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Our World … Massive Humanitarian Crisis

                                                        A broken Disorder  

The entire world’s scheme for shielding refugees is shattered. It is extremely apparent.

Just look at Australia to South Sudan’s massive camps from Istanbul’s emotionless thoroughfares to the European Union’s severely stimulated walls.

An excess of 21,000,000,000 individuals worldwide, have been enforced to pursue sanctuary out of numerous countries.

All Governments, foreign and state wide, has a duty to support them. However, the majority of “rich countries” are still handling refugees as someone else’s dilemma. These so rich countries
thumped behind sealed borders and terror stricken of being “flooded”, 

Governments have conveniently permitted poorer, primarily Middle Eastern, African and South Asian countries, to congregate an absurd 86% of all refugees. In addition, through ignoring the majority of appeals for humanitarian aid, these “rich governments” have left United Nation agencies drastically penniless.

To where the agencies cannot feed a great amount of refugees properly anymore.

Come on! This has to change! How can we just stand by and allow people to die, even from hunger? Our ancestors were all migrants and refugees.

Amnesty is putting forward solutions for how world leaders, especially the richest countries, can start tackling this massive humanitarian crisis together.

Here are only six that I found in my research:

1. Open up safe channels to sanctuary  for refugees. This allows individuals to reunite with their relatives.  In addition give refugees visas so they will have an income to start off with that will allow them to reach safety.
2.  Resettling all refugees who need it. Resettlement is a crucial solution for refugees. This includes torture survivors and individuals with serious medical difficulties.
3.  Put saving lives first. No one should have to die crossing a border.  Seven thousand people drowned in the Mediterranean alone in 2 years. Ever since the 1st big shipwreck in October 2013. 
4. People escaping torment or wars must be allowed to cross borders. Even if they do not have any travel documents.  No matter how he or she travels.
5. I agree with this one: All countries ought to look into and imprison trafficking gangs. Whom abuse refugees and migrants. Basically, put individuals’ safety above all else.

6. Put an end to blaming refugees and migrants for “economic and social problems.” Instead fight all kinds of xenophobia and racial discrimination.

Not a single one of these solutions are intolerable to achieve.

If political figures take note to the 1,000,000 's of people say,  " I welcome refugees" and put unity and empathy above “petty wrangling” over who must host a few thousand refugees.

 After all please do not forget our ancestors were all migrants and refugees.

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