Thursday, October 20, 2016

Supercharging A human's Brain Helps Exterminate Depression

10 Ways To Supercharge Your Brain

In doing research on Supercharging human's Dopamine Levels to "Never Feel" sad, stressed or depressed again I have some interesting findings:

The brain releases a dopamine, neurotransmitter of which is vital for countless essential bodily functions. Dopamine is excellent for these following body functions:

-Regulating movement
-Controlling the center of happiness and reward in the brain
-Strengthening the cognitive functions (knowledge, attention, memory, decision-making,  evaluation, problem solving)
-Managing the secretion of prolactin

Due to the fact that Dopamine is incredibly important for our wellbeing and happiness, decreased levels of dopamine leads to a variety of health issues. Such as depression, sadness, negativity and various emotional challenges.

I am thrilled to inform you that there are actually 10 beneficial ways to elevate the dopamine levels in your body's Eco System, WITH OUT medications at all!

I interveiwed 4 Nutrissionists at Shand's and North Forida Regional Hopspital in Gainesville, Fl. They all said the same answer.
This is one of the interviews I did:

"Hi, Good afternoon. I'm am resurching what a person does to release, along with increase dopamine in an individual's brain.

In a number of studys with Humens,it has been proven that exercise increases this chemicalleval. Is there a spacific exercise
that an indiviual needs to do for this?"

"The exercise of every kind raises the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin. Regular exercise provides happiness,
strengthens the body, reduces stress."

"Dose any kind of addiction such as drugsie.(any mood altering chenicals), shpoing, gambling,over eating, help? Is it healthier to
release dopiminbe by short gradification?"

"Addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, and even shopping, provide an instant pleasure, but it is not a permanent solution.
Additions only temporarily satisfy our needs."

"Moreover, addictions alter our lifestyle in favor of the source of the addiction, and it is a wicked cycle. Therefore, you should
try and lower the risk of developing addictions, enjoy life, and find things that provide deeper calmness and happiness. Also, it is of great importance to work a job you enjoy."

"There are many people that detox their body regulary. What is your advise to the numerious of people that do not detox the toxic
chemicles and backtierior in their bodies? How does regular Detoxification help?"

"It is extremely important to detox your body! Make sure you regularly detoxify your system, as the accumulation of toxins and
bacteria in the body prevents the dopamine production and weakens the immunity."

Tell me about Tryosine. What dose it do? Will increasing Tyrosine help?

"Tryosine is a hydrophilic amino acid that is a constituent of most proteins and is important in the synthesis of some hormones."

"Tyrosine is one of the 22 essential amino acids used for the creation of proteins. It is actually the most important chemical for
the dopamine production of dopamine."

"Besides dopamine, it also has the potential to elevate norepinephrine levels. In order to raise its levels in the body, you should
consume green tea, watermelon, almonds, bananas, avocados, and dark chocolate."

"Do levals of Dopamine also increase when a person listens to music?"

"Dopamine levels are also increased through listening to music, even though it may be short-term. Therefore, use music as a
common way to raise dopamine levels."

"What about a ruitine in a person's life? Even if it is kaotic? Will the dopamine levals increase?"

"The levels of dopamine are raised in the case of organized small daily tasks, even though they are hard at times. You should
write your tasks down on a piece of paper, and check them off. In this way, you will be satisfied as you note that you finish them
one by one."

"The Principles of Self-Management state that if a task represents a change of 25% (or bigger change) in the routine, you will feel
unable to finish it, and often ends up with a self-sabotage or giving up."

"Yes, if the task changes 10% of your routine, you will succeed to complete it, as you will believe it is small. Therefore, balance
tasks to be 10 and 25% of new behaviors, in order to try new and challenging things, but still not too difficult to complete."

"In my research, I found that being Creative also helps to decrease depression. How dose dopamine help in that way?"

"The levels of dopamine in the brain are also elevated with a creative activity. This will also keep you focused. You do not need
to become a world-known artist but try dancing, singing, writing, sculpturing, painting, drawing, cooking, knitting, making crafts,
and auto repair, and you will feel much better right away."

"How will planing daily tasks, even writting things down or even in a persons mind help to never feeling sad, stressed out or even
depressed AGAIN?"

"In this sense, “streak” will mean a visual reminder of the number of times in a row you do something. This is similar
to organizing the tasks, and accomplishing them. This will raise the levels of dopamine, and make you happier and satisfied.
You should use a calendar, written your goals, and plan when to complete them. As soon as you finish the task, mark it off on
your calendar. Yet, the drawback of the ‘streak’ is routine, so you should find a way to enhance the performance."

"What about the use of supplements?"

"Dopamine levels can also be raised through supplementation, such as: Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, effectively
increase dopamine in the brain. Ginkgo Biloba has a potential to raise dopamine levels as well. Acetyl-l-tyrosine is a building
block of dopamine, so a healthy dose of it supports the production of dopamine in the brain. L-theanine increases numerous
neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine. Green tea is a rich source of l-theanine."

"If a person needs to take meditation will it help? Is ther certain medications that do help in a possitive way?"

"Yes it depends what an individual's doctor sujjests and prescibes. Meditation raises the levels of dopamine in a different way
that cardio exercises. It improves your mood, creates mental energy, and relaxes the mind. Meditation is an efficient way to
reduce stress on a daily basis.

Even-though a few amount of people may choose just to take human Made drugs, here is evidence that proves that is NOT AT All NECESSARY. Dating back centuries our ancestors used healthier and natural ways to balance the human-being's Eco system. Living healthier, controlling mood swings, ( such as Bi Polar, and depression). Even staying fit. The plants of the earth as well as certain animals are a healthier way, to stay sound of mind and body.

Credit and source:

Saturday, October 8, 2016

WikiLeaks An American Company Hero / Clinton's Emails Revealed

                                Politician Criminal Hillary Clinton Is Busted By We The People

There was 2050 so called "hacked" emails from Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chairman, aka: her main puppet, John Podesta, revealed online Friday, 10/07/16. Which consists of highlighted segments from transcripts of "closed-door speeches" that Hillary Clinton gave to Wall Street executives after leaving the State Department.

The WikiLeak website states those 2,050 emails are written and are owed by the Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta.

In addition to this on Friday evening the leading organization unveiled Mrs. Clinton's campaign email correspondence revealed that Hillary was paid by leading executives in Washington for those statements.
That she presented in approximately 8 yrs prior to her presidential bid.


A Clinton campaign spokesman aka a Clinton puppet declined to confirm that the "written" privet speeches to leading executive in Washington are authentic.

The emails show Hillary taking an overall tone in private that is more favorable to free trade and to banks than she has taken on the campaign trail. These emails also advocate she was "aware of security concerns" regarding electronic devices, that will materialize into criticism. Nonetheless, thanks to X President Nixon, she learn how to do this. During Hillary Clinton's affiliation Water Gate.

The United States Government is attempting to COVER UP the fact that they paid Hillary to say what was in those written speeches.


Poking Russia's buttons and who nevertheless comes in the way that reveal the TRUTH about their scheme With Hillary. Disregarding the Constitution. In attempts to create A New World Order.

Clinton spokesman Glen Caplin announced in a statement, “Earlier today the U.S. government removed any reasonable doubt that the Kremlin has weaponize WikiLeaks to meddle in our election and benefit Donald Trump’s candidacy.” “We are not going to confirm the authenticity of stolen documents released by [WikiLeaks founder] Julian Assange who has made no secret of his desire to damage Hillary Clinton.”

Hillary Clinton is a Fake POPULIST . She is seriously inaccessible with the middle class. Nonetheless, the timing of the leaks, the Democratic primary and the exact same night the video emerged of Donald Trump boasting about being able to grope women. With a strong mind that comment can notdull any political impact.

Close to a week after Bernie Sanders exalted the issue in a January debate, Tony Carrk, the campaign's head of research, delivered the highlighted segments. That were provided by the Harry Walker Agency. A corporation that represents Mrs. Clinton and other high-profile speakers. Mr. Carrk have them to Mr. Podesta and other top campaign officials, including the Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri.

The speech fragments brings a light bulb on Clinton's relationship with Wall Street.
Due to the over seas game Tit For Tat, the United States Government blames Russia for targeting the 2016 United States Presidential election systems.Along with, Russia basically striving to interfere with 2016 election. So Donald Trump will become the U.S. President. In addition, government will not be able to they their puppet and criminal Hillary Clinton in office.

Hillary Clinton the Queen of Hide and Seek...... She learned how to play the Wall Street version during Water Gate. Just look at her history in politics.

                                                   There is Nothing more valuable than Knowledge.
                                     Feel Free To Leave a Comment below. I Would like to know what you think. 
                                                       You can also follow me on Face Book And Twitter.

Friday, October 7, 2016

What Background In A President Does America Really Need?

                               Farmer Vs General Vs Inventor Vs Politician Vs Sales Associate                                     


Hi. This is Angel Mer. chalk again. Coming from Gator Country. Let's talk about this year's Presidential Debate. Otherwise known as The series called The Presidential Debate Games. At can be a new reality Show.
Don't get me wrong, there are a few serious discussions in the debate games for the United states presidency.

Names Of The Game Shows
  •  I Can Do This
  • Let's Point fingers on each other. 
  • Along with a Jeopardy category: I am better than you.


I am about to take you down a journey of what type a President The United States has had. Let us begin.

A few Presidents :

George Washington- not a politician. He was a General. 
Benjamin Franklin- an inventor.  
Abraham Lincoln- was a sales associate and wanted to free the slaves.
John F. Kennedy- yes a politician  . The government back then didn't like the fact that he was for Equal Rights. They assassinated him. 
Ronald Reagan another good President. He was an Actor.
          Bush belongs to one of the 5 Elite Families (aka:Puppet Masters).
Obama - he WAS a Lawyer.

So what if Donald Trump is a business man! look at the new person that just jumped into the race for president, Gary Johnson. I'm sure he may be intelligent in some things. Maybe a little slow. I have a gut feeling that there were Presidents that had some mental disorder, even a short memory span. Heck no-one likes to be put on the spot.

Being that America has had a lot of Presidents that were politician and failed our country, don't you believe it is time for a change? Do we really need another politician? 


Let's not forget we had an actor, a general, an inventor, a lawyer, business men, a sales associate, and a Peanut Farmer.

So the lawyer did OK in his first term. The General is one of America's Founding Fathers. The Sales Associate from the 1800's. A politician that believed in our constitution. Yet the US government, (or the Elite 5 families) murdered him. The Government's attempt of murdering the Actor. This actor Ronald Reagan put "We the People" first.

What is to come for the United states. This is NO GAME SHOW. Remarkably, business men/ people, have demonstrated in the United States presidency that they are the best choice for the position.

What do you believe, given the history of the United States Presidency?

                                             There is Nothing more valuable than Knowledge
                              Please Feel Free To Leave a Comment? I Would like to know what you think. 
                                              You can also follow me on Face Book And Twitter.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Monstrous Race to Extinction. Who will Win?

 What / Who Will Be At The Finnish Line Of Extinction First?

Along with, the ongoing natural events such as:Earthquakes. Volcanoes. Tornadoes. Hurricanes, and Tsunami's; including Man/Government made disasters, and the Biblical predictions of Argentine you would think there is an Universal Race right now. Called: Who/ What Will Destroy the World First. (Yet I ask why?)

Oh yes, I can not forget about Nubrue! Will are true ancestors rescue us in time? Remember one of the rock band Styx's songs? "Come Sail Away". Wait and them the Humane Eco System!

Here is just a tiny list of a few of the most significant Man Made Disasters. Human error or Humaner anger?

  •  London’s Killer “Fog” - England. In December 1952, the weather conditions in London England experienced freezing temperatures off the scale. In which caused the Londoners to burn a redundant amount of fossil fuel. This effected there atmosphere created . The atmosphere was brimming with sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and soot, which swallowed London in a humongous black cloud almost at a visual of complete darkness. This Fog killed twelve thousand citizens.

  • Bhopal Gas Tragedy - India. In December 2, 1984, over 500,000 individuals in India were exposed to Methyl Isocyanine gas as well as various other chemicals. This happened when the Union Carbide India Limited Pesticide Plant sprung a gas leak. It was reported that was up to 16,000 people died as a resulted from the monstrous leak. In addition to that, nearly 50,000 individuals were cared for with regard to illnesses ranging from blindness to kidney failure.
  •  Nuclear Power Plant Explosion Chernobyl - Russia. On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl plant in the USSR had an extreme major meltdown. This was due to the atmospheric discharge of radioactive material four-hundred times more radioactive compared to Hiroshima. Reports state the disaster might create in excess of 100,000 lethal cases of cancer, as well as that the area would not be protected from any activity for practically 200 years!!!
  • Exxon Valdez Oil Spill - USA. On March 24, 1989, the American Oil Tanker 'Exxon Valdez' splintered into the Bligh Reef, dumping virtually 11,000,000 gallons of oil. Which polluted virtually 500 mls of coastline in the Prince William Sound in Alaska. Astonishingly more than a quarter million of wildlife was slain in the aftermath of the accident.
  •  Deep-water Horizon Oil Spill - USA. On April 20, 2010, a gigantic explosion on BP's Deep-water Horizon Oil Rig killed 11 people and injured 17 more. Between 40,000 to 162,000 barrels of oil a day were squandered in the consequences of the disaster. It required over 47,000 people,over a period of 89 days to "finally cap the well"! Thanks to this poor man made navigated exposure to the 1.8 million gallons of toxic oil that "leaked" there is total of 3,500 employees and volunteers suffering from liver and kidney damage.


In Oct 2, 2015 Professor Stephen Hawking stated in an article that, "artificial intelligence could control humans in 100 years." So this also goes in the Humankind team.

 In addition,  Professor Stephen Hawking most recent warning:He believes that if AI does not "conquer humanity", an advanced alien civilization just may do so instead. Which enters the Alian / Our True Ancestors Team in the race. 

Predictions from the Bible:Anti Christ and Argentine: 

Last but not least, the Planet Nibiru on it's journey back to our solar system.

So, are our human shells dumped? Are we going to the next realm in our souls/ spirit forms? Are our True Ancestors coming to save us before Nubiru destroys Plant Earth? I ask you to be the judge. What do you believe or think?

There is nothing more valuable than knowledge. Please feel free to leave a comment? You can fallow me on Google Plus and Twitter @amerchalk.