Really Sick Stuff / Anderson Cooper Against Conspiracy Theories
On Thursday's segment of "Keeping Them Honest” Anderson Cooper tackled reports that police arrested a Florida woman for creating death threats.
The threats are Towards the parents of a child killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.
The Florida woman reveal the “sick” and “insane” conspiracy theories that are ensuing in real-life consequences for victims’ families.
The week of December 11 - 16, 2016 represents 4 years since a crazed lone gunman opened fired on an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut; murdering twenty children and six adults.
Since the attack, fake and fabricated “evidence” on social media and elsewhere assisted in propelling a story that the massacre by no means even occurred.
In reference to Sandy Hook truthers, Mr. Cooper said,
“This is really sick stuff." “ They believe that the shooting was a hoax orchestrated by the government and media to drum up support for gun control.” “They believe it never happened. As outrageous as this might sound, they’re not alone.”
“Just to put this to bed, let me be clear: their claim is insane. I was there. I talked to the families. I was invited into their homes in some cases. I saw a grieving family’s pain, they were not actors they were real parents suffering unimaginable loss. It doesn’t even need to be said like that.”
Cooper then aired an interview with Noah Pozner’s father Len Pozner about the threats his family faced from people who believe Sandy Hook was staged. Pozner described the online hate as “a thought virus,” noting “the hoax concept just continues to spread.”
Take a look at Cooper’s prominent responses along with his interview with Pozner below, via CNN:
Without a doubt, Sandy Hook truthers are frequently provided a broader platform than numerous of people understand, especially as social media can make fabricated stories more challenging to vet.
A noted conspiracy theorist and prominent Donald Trump supporter Alex Jones commented on the Sandy Hook massacre about a month age.
Alex Jones "doubling down" on his previously statement that the slaughter did not happen as the media suggests.
During an Info Wars segment last month, Mr. Jones states, “We’ve sent reporters up there, man, and that place is like Children of the Corn or something. I mean it is freaking weird.” “All I know is something’s going on and you don’t like us looking at it. You don’t like us questioning you.”
Jones’s comments emerged only days after Erica Lafferty, daughter of slain Sandy Hook principal and well-known hero Dawn Hochsprung, composed an op-ed on Medium requesting the president-elect, donald Trump, to “denounce Sandy Hook truthers immediately and cut ties with Alex Jones and anyone who subscribes to these dangerous ideas.”
Mrs. Lafferty wrote:
Mr. Pozner said to Anderson Cooper, using the attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla. as an example; “With every public incident, it’s immediately labeled a hoax by this certain circle of people that are on the web.” “There was hoax content coming out while the [Pulse nightclub] shooting was still going on.”“You’ve appeared on Jones’ radio show, praised his ‘amazing’ reputation and promised him that you ‘won’t let him down.'” “Now he’s claiming you’ve personally called to thank him after the election, and will be on his show again soon.”
Adding, as truthers like Alex Jones boast regarding having the president-elect’s ear, communities such as Newtown watch; tragedies occur while hoaxers episode new batches of grieving families.
“This happens to anyone really online,” Pozner said. “It’s sort of like cyber bullying but not within the context of school, it’s in the context of anyone. It’s basically just hate. They’re projecting hate onto someone.”
So this is proof as we all know it. What ever the Government doesn't want us to know there is always a cover up.
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