Sunday, December 11, 2016

Medical Examiner Verbally Assauted For Doing His Job


                             Medical Examiner Gets Verbal Assaults And Threats By A Sheriff

On Thursday, Dec.9,2016, Milwaukee County chief medical examiner uncovered stunning details about Sheriff David Clarke, informing the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Journal Sentinel that the sheriff, who moonlit as a Donald Trump surrogate throughout the presidential campaign, verbally assaulted and “threatened” him for revealing routine details regarding the deaths of four people at the Milwaukee County Jail.

Sheriff Clarke’s reign as overseer of Milwaukee County Jail has come under fire recently as gossip spread that the questionable sheriff is being considered to take over the Department of Homeland Security.

Since April, 4 people, which includes a newborn baby have died during their stay in Milwaukee County Jail.

Chief medical examiner Brian Peterson said Clarke called him despondent over information and facts that the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office made public previously this year.

In which also included a finding that one of the jail’s victims, Terrill Thomas age 38. He suffered from “profound dehydration” while incarcerated.

Clarke told Wisconsin Watchdog on Wednesday "If there is a shortcoming here, people have to direct these questions at the medical staff." “That private contract is run out of the House of Correction and they report to the county executive.”

Clarke makes clear that he believes that he has supported privatizing health care at the jail and searched for the contract when the county jail and the HOC were under his control.

He claims that the department isn't responsible for the conduct and direction of provider Armor Correctional Health Services. Including, he does not inform the medical professionals how to do their jobs.

Death by dehydration? 

The newspaper has linked 4 deaths into a operating narrative of mismanagement of Milwaukee County Jail.

This narrative is motivated by the death of Terrill J. Thomas.

Thomas was discovered unresponsive in his cell in the early morning hours of April 24.

Get this, this happened 9 days after his arrest. He was charged of shooting a man in the chest and later shooting a gun twice in the Potawatomi casino.

The medical examiner’s report additionally states the inmate’s record indicated “that he claimed to have untreated diabetes and hypertension upon admission and he was not taking any medication while in the jail.”

Yet another excuse.

The autopsy details the cause of death as dehydration. 

It identifies the intensity as “profound dehydration.” The manner of death was classified as a HOMEMADE, yet that doesn't automatically denote a crime was committed.

Inmates informed the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that they heard Thomas beg for water days prior to his death and that his faucet have been completely shut off. 

They mentioned that corrections officers informed them his water was turned off simply because he had flooded his previous cell and was acting erratically.

A source close to the situation shared with Wisconsin Watchdog that jailers supplied Thomas with bottled water yet he refused to drink.

Another source mentioned that a county judge had visited the jail days prior to the homicide, and questioned the reason why there was water all over Thomas’ cell.

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